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Document number: 04117
Date: 31 Jul 1840
Recipient: AMICI Giovanni Battista
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: Biblioteca Estense Universitaria Modena
Collection number: 7328
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Londres 31 Sackville Street <1>


Votre lettre du 21 Juillet <2> m’est parvenue le 31, et je me suis aussitôt mis à chercher s’il y avait quelqu’un de mes amis qui allait se rendre à la réunion scientifique à Turin et qui voulait se charger d’un petit paquet de photographies. <3> Heureusement j’ai trouvé M. Babbage <4> qui m’a promis de remettre le paquet entre vos mains si son voyage n’est pas interrompu par quelque obstacle imprévu. Cependant il n’est pas certain qu’il sera à Turin pour les premiers jours de la réunion. <5>

L’objet du voyage de M. Babbage c’est de faire connaitre aux savans Italiens les principes de sa machine calculatrice, découverte vraiment remarquable et qui mérite être mieux connue du monde Savant.

Je m’estimerais heureux de pouvoir assister en personne à votre réunion, mais malheureusement je ne puis pas quitter l’Angleterre cette année.

Croyez Monsieur à l’expression de mes sentimens les plus distingués –

H. F. Talbot

le 31 Juillet 1840


all’Illustmo Signore
Il Signor Professore
G. B. Amici

à Florence


London 31 Sackville Street

Dear Sir

Your letter of 21st July reached me on the 31st, and I immediately began to seek amongst my friends for somebody who was going to go to the scientific meeting in Turin and who would take charge of a small package of photographs. Fortunately I found Mr Babbage who promised to hand the package over to you if his journey is not interrupted by some unforeseen obstacle. However, it is not certain that he will be in Turin for the first days of the meeting.

The purpose of Mr Babbage’s journey is to acquaint the Italian scientists with the principles of his calculating engine, a truly remarkable discovery meriting wider recognition in the Scientific world.

I would consider myself fortunate to be able to attend your meeting personally, but unfortunately I cannot leave England this year.

Believe me, Sir, yours most respectfully –

H. F. Talbot

31st July 1840


G. B. Amici



1. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.

2. Letter not located.

3. The images sent to Prof Giovanni Battista Amici (1786–1868), Italian optician & man of science, are now in the Biblioteca Estense, Modena.

4. Prof Charles Babbage (1792–1871), mathematician & inventor.

5. The second Congress of Italian Scientists, the first had been in Pisa in 1839. WHFT had attempted to send examples of photogenic drawing to the first congress, but unsuccessfully, see Doc. No: 03920, Doc. No: 04008.