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Document number: 04131
Date: Mon Sep 1840
Dating: added in pencil
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Mary Thereza
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 14th February 2012

Lanelay <1>

My dear Henry

We have been spending a few days with Charlotte & Mr Traherne <2> at Tresilian a cottage by the sea side in a secluded valley to the south west of Cowbridge you would like it for the summer in point of being close to the Sea the Cliffs however are not fine being Lias but St Donat’s Castle is within a mile and there are other remains Antient [sic] Edifices in the neighbourbood which make it an interesting place. in our way home we went round by Dunraven <3> & saw Lady Ht Gallwey & Louisa,<4> neither of whom are looking well but I daresay the air will do them good & the complete liberty to do as they like about every thing will suit very well. – I daresay Horatia <5> is enjoying herself at Lacock very much now, I hope her garden is gay & that her peas & beans have been very productive pray tell her so. I think she ought to have some seed of a dwarf french bean I had from Boulogne called “Pois de pauvre homme”. they are very prolific. –

We have the dried stem of an Aloe now at Margam <6> which flowered there the year before Chrisr <7> came of age it was 21 feet high but the branches did not sprout so low. –

We have not heard from Jane <8> since they started they go to Switzerland at once I believe – but I do not think John <9> & his Tutor will remain there no doubt they will make the most of their time. –

Mary Anne Thackeray <10> lives at Prestbury near Cheltenham, her Eldest has has [sic] just been placed at a private School at Bath Mr Kilvert on Claverton hill I believe it is. John Llewelyn <11> kindly having undertaken to be at the expence of his education She has two other Children and a young Lady to take care of, who is a pleasant companion and pays for her board &c of course. –

Good bye write again pray.

I am your affate coz.

Mamma <12> wishes for some seed of your yellow foxglove.


1. Llanely, or Lanely, Glamorganshire: home of Lady Mary Cole and Mary Thereza Talbot.

2. Charlotte Louisa 'Charry' Traherne, née Talbot (1800–1880), WHFT’s cousin, and Rev John Montgomerie Traherne (1788–1860), JP & author.

3. Dunraven Castle, Glamorganshire belonged to Thomas Wyndham.

4. Lady Harriet Payne Gallwey (1784-1845), née Quin, widow of Lt Gen Sir William Payne Gallwey (1759-1831), 1st Bart, and her daughter Louisa Gallwey (1811-1872).

5. Henrietta Horatia Maria Gaisford, née Feilding (1810–1851), WHFT’s half-sister.

6. Margam Park, Glamorgan: home of Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot.

7. Christopher Rice Mansel Talbot (1803–1890), immensely wealthy landowner, mathematician & politician; WHFT’s Welsh cousin.

8. Jane Harriot Nicholl, née Talbot (1796–1874).

9. John Cole Nicholl (b. 1823), eldest son of Jane Harriet Nicholl, née Talbot and John Nicholl.

10. Mary Anne Thackeray, née Shakespear (1793–1850).

11. John Dillwyn Llewelyn (1810–1882), Welsh photographer, JP & High Sheriff.

12. Lady Mary Lucy Cole, née Strangways, first m. Talbot (1776–1855), WHFT’s aunt.