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Document number: 04549
Date: 18 Jul 1842
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: COLLEN Henry
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA42-46
Last updated: 19th May 2010

29. Somerset Street <1>
July 18. 1842.

Dear Sir

In reply to yours of the 14th <2> I beg to say that I have often thought of the subject of granting licenses, <3> and teaching the parties taking them for the provinces; and think it a great pity you do not decide upon the mode of doing it. – If I undertake the management of the business and the teaching it would be on the condition of receiving a third of the price paid; I should advertise freely in the provincial papers and would undertake to be at a third of that expense – I should stipulate for the certainty of not being directly or indirectly the means of imparting any instruction to any one practising in or near London. – or, if I were paid for instruction in a sum separate from that paid for the license, it would be at the same rate, namely, half the price paid for the license. – It would be difficult to find parties in one’s own circle of acquaintance who would undertake to practise in provincial towns, and troublesome to attend to the Accounts I therefore think it would be by far the best plan to receive a sum of money –

I remaim Dear Sir Yours very Truly
H Collen


I have had two applications for licenses since I saw you here.


1. London.

2. Letter not located.

3. License to practise the Calotype process.