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Document number: 05162
Date: 22 Jan 1845
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: FEILDING Elisabeth Theresa, née Fox Strangways
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA45-12
Last updated: 12th June 2015

Laycock Abbey
22d Jany

My Dear Henry

Is the 2d No <1> actually out? or have you only had it for private inspection – I wish you would allot a certain sum for advertisements, & do it yourself not trusting to Longman <2> whose agents cheat in that matter perhaps without his knowing it. There must be an indicible <3> virtue in advertising or everybody would not incur so great an expence. Books are advertised new & then I see that have out [sic] these 3 years. Many works would never have been heard of in any other way, and the great thing for this Art (& still more for the Discoverer) is to have it known. The mug.<4> is returned & I begin again to wish I was transported to Brighton on some Ippogriffe.<5> This Wedding <6> puts me out sadly, & I fear that by the time it takes place the Season will be too much advanced for the Sea Side – Ma pazienza – nous verrons. <7>

Did you visit Reading chemin faisant? <8> Pray let me see the plates for No 3 before they are irremediable

H. Fox Talbot Esqr
31. Sackville Street


1. The second fascicle of WHFT, The Pencil of Nature (London: Longman, Brown, Green, & Longmans, June 1844–April 1846 [issued in six fascicles]) It was published on 29 January 1845.

2. Of Longman & Company, publishers, London.

3. Spanish: inexpressible or indescribable.

4. ie, muggy - damp.

5. A legendary creature, the offspring of a griffin and a mare. Since horses were natural prey for griffins, this match symbolised impossibility.

6. The 10 February 1845 wedding of James Kenneth Howard (1814–1882), to Lady Louisa, née Petty-FitzMaurice (d. 1906).

7. But patience – we shall see.

8. While on the road. This would have been Nicolaas Henneman's photographic establishment at Reading, on the rail line from Chippenham to London.