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Document number: 05332
Date: Tue 22 Jul 1845
Recipient: FEILDING Elisabeth Theresa, née Fox Strangways
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA45-104
Last updated: 31st December 2012

Tuesday evening

My Dear Mother

I set off by the four o’clock train, and got here a few minutes after seven – The distance is 103 miles – The afternoon was foggy and cold.

Kenilworth Castle <1> is not far from here.

I told the Binder to wait upon you tomorrow with 12 copies of the Scotch Views <2>

I think your supper did not require the Bowood <3> fruit, to look admirably.

Your affte

July 22d 1845

Post office


1. Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire.

2. WHFT, Sun Pictures in Scotland (London: Published by subscription in 1845).

3. Bowood House, nr Calne, Wiltshire, 5 mi NE of Lacock: seat of the Marquess of Lansdowne.