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Document number: 07658
Date: 10 Feb 1844
Dating: [written on same sheet as 04036]
Recipient: ESTCOURT Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron Bucknall
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

<draft version>

Feb 10 /44

As I suppose you are full of bsnss & party occupied I won’t write a long note, but only just a line or 2 to say yt I fully intd to give you my vote at ye apprchg electn

Providd yt in ye ignce in wch I live of all Cty mattrs I can discver ye day & hour apptd for the poll,

Fare you well, and Belve me yrs truly


<expanded version>

Feb 10 /44

As I suppose you are full of business and particularly occupied I won’t write a long note, but only just a line or two to say that I fully intend to give you my vote at the approaching election <1>

Providing that in the ignorance in which I live of all County matters I can discover the day and hour appointed for the poll,

Fare you well, and Believe me yours truly



1. Election for the position of MP for North Wiltshire.[See Doc. No: 04942].