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Document number: 08409
Date: 01 Jun 1861
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOGARTH Joseph
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA61-102
Last updated: 11th December 2009

June 1st 1861

Dear Sir

Let me beg You to conclude this affair <1> before leaving Town I do not ask it on my own account but on Mr Pretches <2> who has been kept in a state of anxiety and inconvenience which has been most painful for me to witness – You will see it is impossible for me to enter into any engagement with him until the course is clear with You and sincerely I believe he is not in a condition to wait

Yours obediently
J. Hogarth

The Honble Fox Talbot


1. Viz. the granting of a patent-licence by Talbot to a company to be set up by Hogarth, Paul Pretsch (1808–1873), Austrian photographer & inventor; founder of the Photogalvanographic Company and others, to work a photographic-engraving process. The company intended to use Pretsch’s process, the first part of which appears to have been based on Part 1 [see Doc. No: 07253] of Talbot’s method [i.e. his first patent, Improvements in Photographic Engraving, No. 565, November 1852], although the second part differed in using electrotype.

2. Paul Pretsch (1808–1873), Austrian photographer & inventor; founder of the Photogalvanographic Company. See also Doc. No: 08410.