28 Jany 1839.
I beg to thank you for the wish, which you are so good as to express, of dedicating to me your ingenious Essay on the Antiquity of the Book of Genesis. <1>
Having found it advisable, for reasons, which you will readily imagine, to observe for some years past a general rule, not to give a formal permission to any author to inscribe to me a work relating to theological subjects, I am not at liberty to depart from it in the present instance, although there is nothing in Your Essay to which I have any other objection, than that some of your Etymological reasonings are rather far fetched.
I have the honour to be Sir Your obedient faithful Servant
C. I. London
Henry Fox Talbot Esqr
1. H. Fox Talbot, The Antiquity of the Book of Genesis; Illustrated by Some New Arguments (London: Longman, Orme, Green, Brown, and Longman, 1839).
2. ( fl.12th century)