1 Victoria Rd
Augst 21/ 48
Having seen several double Views completely spoiled through having to move the camera after taking the first Picture, I beg leave to submit to your superior Judgement, a plan by which I think that evil is to be remedied, I have never had the use of a Camera or I would have tried it practically, I have enclosed a rough sketch which perhaps might more easily develop my Idea on the subject.
It consists simply of making the top of the stand semicircular, having at the Centre a point shifting up and down, so as to be adjusted to any Camera round which, place a Collar to move steadily round with an arm to project out so as to clear the tube containing the Lens &c as the Annexed sketch will show, (a) the Camera (b) the stand (c) the point made to shift up and down (d) the arm revolving round the point (e) another arm shifting up and down and fixed by means of the screw (g), (f) the lens. [small sketch]
I hope Sir you will be able to make out my meaning and that it will be of some service, I have also been thinking a camera might be constructed to do away with the leaning of objects such as streets and Building &c which so often spoils the beautiful effect which otherwise the picture would present.
I beg leave to ask you Sir what I am to do with this house, at the termination of my engagement with you if Sir you have not appointed any one I will continue here, if it pleases you as I do not think of leaving Kensington and will you be pleased to let me know if I am to give an Inventory of the goods to you or to Mr Henneman.
I remain Sir Your Humble and obedient Servant
D. Harrison
H. F. Talbot Esq
[complete sketch of the apparatus in three figures]