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Result number 1687 of 2283:   < Back     Back to results list   Next >  

Document number: 8360
Date: 23 Jan 1860
Watermark: A Pirie & Sons 1859
Recipient: HEADLAM Arthur William
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: Durham University Library - Special Collections
Collection number: Headlam HHM/B
Last updated: 24th January 2011

Mr Headlam

Lacock Janry. 23d

Dr Sir

I propose that Charles <1> shall return to you on the 4th Febry. and shall be glad to hear if that is a convenient day-

I shall be glad if you shall mention whether you have any fixed period for the summer vacation as it would be convenient to know beforehand- I think Charles would be able to make the same arrangement as your other pupils-

I believe that the 6 months will terminate in the latter part of February, & I will send a remittance of £78 as soon as it becomes due-

Charles has been more occupied with Christmas gaieties than with study and I don't think he will have prepared much which he can show you on his return. I think it would be good for his health if he were to take some riding exercise at Whorlton,<2> do any of your other pupils ride? and do you think it would be a good plan. I don't know whether there is any stable accomodation in the village?

I remain Yours vy try
H. F. Talbot


1. Charles Henry Talbot, (2 Feb 1842 - 26 Dec 1916), 'Charlie'; 'Tally'; antiquary & WHFT's only son.

2. A town in the district of Teesdale, Durham.

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