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Document number: 2489
Date: 01 Dec 1832
Postmark: 6 Dec 1832
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: PETIT DE BILLIER Amélina
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA32-77
Last updated: 8th March 2012

Gorsay-Sea cottage
1rst of December.

Cher Mr Talbot;

J’ai appris avec une vive satisfaction la nouvelle de votre prochain mariage et vous en félicite sincèrement: vous connaissez assez mon attachement pour vous et votre chère famille pour croire au vif intérêt que je prends à cet évènement, l’un des plus importans de la vie humaine. Vous serez heureux, j’en ai l’intime conviction parceque vous le méritez et parceque votre excellent jugement vous a guidé dans le choix que vous venez de faire. je sais que celle à qui vous allez vous unir pour la vie possède toutes les vertus solides et les agrémens de l’esprit, des talents et de la beauté; vous êtes un heureux mortel; mais je le répète, vous méritez de l’être, sous tous les rapports.

J’éprouve une vive impatience d’aller vous joindre à Laycock, comme vous avez la bonté de m’y engager, quand ce ne seroit que pour avoir le plaisir de faire connoissance avec Miss Mundy (peut-être maintenant Mrs Fox Talbot!) <1> mais je crains d’être obligée de prolonger mon séjour dans ce pays enfermé, au delà du mois de Janvier; cependant je ferai en sorte de profiter, aussitôt que faire se pourra, de votre obligeante invitation: vous savez, sans que je vous le dise, que je ne suis nulle part aussi heureuse que près de votre excellente famille, aussi vous pouvez compter sur mon empressement à me rendre à la vieille Abbaye qui va maintenant posséder un charme de plus.

J’ai reçu ce matin des nouvelles de Moreton; <2> Horatie <3> se porte bien, monte à cheval, engraisse et se plaît beaucoup près de sa bonne tante: ils parlent d’aller à Melbury <4> Lundi prochain, pour une quinzaine. J’ai eu hier une lettre de Caroline; <5> le bimbo <6> allait être vacciné ainsi que sa mère qui était sortie pour la première fois le jour qu’elle m’écrivit. Lord et Lady Lansdowne <7> arrivaient de Paris où les affaires paraissent prendre une tournure plus favorable: les deux oppositions faisant tristes figures! Mais vous en savez là dessus sans doute plus que je ne puis vous dire; ainsi pardonnez-moi ce verbiage et croyez-moi votre bien

affectionnée et dévouée
Amélina Petit

Hopwood Hall

Wm Henry Fox Talbot
Derby [illegible deletion]
illegible deletion]
Laycock Abbey


Gorsay-Sea cottage
1st of December.

Dear Mr Talbot;

I was most gratified to learn of your forthcoming marriage and offer my sincere congratulations; you know enough of my attachment to you and your dear family to believe in the great interest which I take in this event, which is one of the most important in life. I am utterly convinced that you will be happy because you deserve it and because your excellent judgement has guided you in the choice which you have just made. I know that the lady to whom you are going to be joined for life possesses every sound virtue, and the charms of intellect, talent and beauty; you are a happy mortal; but I reiterate that you deserve to be so, in every respect.

I am very impatient to come and join you at Laycock, as you are so kind as to encourage me to do, even if it were only for the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Miss Mundy (who may now be Mrs Fox Talbot!) but I fear that I must prolong my stay in these isolated parts beyond the month of January; nevertheless, I will ensure that I take advantage of your kind invitation as soon as I can: you know, without my telling you, that I am never happier than when I am near your excellent family, so you can count on my eagerness to come to the old Abbey which will now possess a further charm.

I received news of Moreton this morning; Horatia is well, and has been going riding. She is putting on weight and very much enjoys being with her dear aunt. They talk of going to Melbury next Monday for a fortnight. I received a letter from Caroline yesterday; the bimbo was going to be vaccinated along with his mother, who had gone out for the first time on the day that she wrote to me. Lord and Lady Lansdowne had newly arrived from Paris where the situation seems to be taking a turn for the better: the two opposing factions make sad figures! But you probably know more about it than I can tell you; so forgive me for this rambling and believe that I am your

affectionate and devoted
Amélina Petit

Hopwood Hall

Wm Henry Fox Talbot

Laycock Abbey


1. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife.

2. Moreton, Dorset: home of the Frampton family.

3. Henrietta Horatia Maria Gaisford, née Feilding (1810–1851), WHFT’s half-sister.

4. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.

5. Caroline Augusta Edgcumbe, née Feilding, Lady Mt Edgcumbe (1808–1881); WHFT’s half-sister, who had just given birth to William Henry Edgcumbe, ‘Val’, 4th Earl Mt Edgcumbe (1832–1917), later JP & Ld Steward of the Royal Household; WHFT’s nephew ‘Bimbo’.

6. Baby.

7. Henry Petty Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne (1780–1863), MP, WHFT’s uncle; and his wife, Louisa Emma Petty Fitzmaurice, née Fox Strangways, Marchioness of Lansdowne (1785-1851), Lady of the Bedchamber to Queen Victoria, 1837-1838; WHFT's aunt.

8. From June 1828 - September 1831, Amélina was a companion to the family of Robert Gregge-Hopwood (1773-1854) and the Hon. Cecelia, née Byng, daughter of John Byng, 5th Viscount Torrington, at their home of Hopwood Hall, between Middleton and Rochdale, Lancaster.

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