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Document number: 4081
Date: 27 May 1840
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TENORE Michele
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA40-45
Last updated: 14th February 2012

27 Mars 1840

Monsieur très honorè!

J’ai bien reçu les deux paquets de vos dessins fotogeniques de la plus haute beauté, que j’ai montré a Mr Melloni, <1> Mr Capocci<2> et aux autres membres de nos Academies ainsi qu’à plusieurs personnages de marque qui se trouvent ici, tel que le Comte de [Lebzrildern?], ministre d’Autriche le Comte [Bovrema?] le Comte Strogonoff<3> & Tous ces Messieurs l’ont trouvé d’une perfection admirable. Je ne doute pas qu’après les soins que vous y porterez la saison prochaine, votre procédé touchera à son dernier degré de perfection; et que vous le ferez connoitre avec tous ses details explicatives [sic] pour en rendre l’usage facile & comode [sic] au grand profit des sciences physiques.

Veuillez en agreer mes remerciments [sic], et croire aux sentiments de la haute estime avec les quels j’ai l’honneur d’ètre Votre très humble & tres obeissant serviteur et ami
Michele Tenore

Sir H. F. Talbot
31 Sackville Street
Lacock Abbey


27 March 1840

Very honoured Sir!

I have received the two parcels of your supremely beautiful photogenic drawings, which I have shown to Mr Melloni, Mr Capocci and to the other members of our Academies, as well as to several other people of rank who are here, such as the Count of [Lebzrildern?], an Austrian minister, Count [Bovrema?] Count Strogonoff & All of these gentlemen found it to be of an admirable perfection. I do not doubt that after the care that you will take over it next season, your process will reach its final stage of perfection; and that you will let it be made known with all its explicative details, in order to make its use easy and convenient to the great profit of physical science.

Please accept my thanks, and believe that it is with feelings of great esteem that I have the honour of being, Your very humble & very obedient servant and friend
Michele Tenore


1. Macedonio Melloni (1798-1854), physicist who demonstrated that radiant heat had similar properties to those of light.

2. Probably Ernesto Capocci di Belmonte (1798-1864), astronomer and mathematician.

3. The Stronganovs were a diverse and influential St Petersburg family - this is probably Count Paul Stroganoff, diplomat, who inspired the beef dish by his name.

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