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Document number: 00005
Date: Fri 1861
Dating: before 1 Aug 1861 - see Doc no 08439
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: BLOMFIELD Arthur
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 25th August 2010

Friday AM. <1>

My dear Sir,

I am very much obliged to you for your kind note & caution. If you are not able to meet the Architect to morrow at 3 PM at the church, (as perhaps you might like to do) whatever plans are given shall be laid before you in due time.

Believe me – dear Sir yrs vy sincerely
Arthur Blomfield


1. This was in reference to re-building the interior of St Cyriacs Church, Lacock. On 1 August 1861, Awdry complained to WHFT that 'the Church Restoration progresses but slowly' - see Doc. No: 08439. The official re-opening of the church took plate on 10 December 1861- see Doc. No: 08475.