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Document number: 00192
Date: 05 Feb 1876
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: COOPER William Ricketts
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

5, Richmond Grove,
Barnsbury, N.

5th Feby 76

My Dear Sir

As I am now arranging for Vols VII & VIII of Records of the Past <1> I shall be glad to receive your contribution to the Assyrian translations as soon as possible so that we may issue the Vols punctually in July

Your paper <2> was greatly admired at the meeting on Tuesday. Rawlinson, Smith and Cull <3> all spoke but Sir Henry was unable to agree with some portions of your work. especially as regarded the serpent and the supreme deity. it excited great applause when I stated that the paper would appear in a fortnight


W.R. Cooper

H. Fox. Talbot Esqr F.R.S.


1. WHFT published several translations in ‘Assyrian Texts’, Records of the Past, being English Translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian Monuments, v.7, (London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1876): ‘The Standard Inscription of Ashur-Akh-Bal’, pp. 9–14; ‘Monolith of Ashur-Akh-Bal, King of Assyria’, pp. 15–20; ‘A Prayer and a Vision, from the Annals of Assurbanibal, King of Assyria’, pp. 65–68; ‘Senkereh Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar’, pp. 69–72; ‘The Birs-Nimrud Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar’, pp. 73–78; ‘The Revolt in Heaven’, pp. 123–128.

2. See Doc. No: 00909.

3. Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, 1st Baronet (1810–1895), orientalist, George Smith (1840–1876), Assyriologist, and possibly Cullemore [see Doc. No: 06237].