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Document number: 00314
Date: 14 May 1825
Dating: see 01069, 01281
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: STRANGWAYS William Thomas Horner Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

May 14

Dear Henry

I expected to be scolded for going over the Col de Tende at a wrong season & skipping the Corniche but I did not expect you to cut me altogether I suppose you have entered into the gay world or are employed visiting gardens – I have begun a correspondence with Tenore <1> who describes feelingly his isolement <2> in London with a packet of letters of introduction not one of which could be deliver<ed> because tout le monde était a la Campagne. <3> tell me if you want anything from Naples – He has sent to Rodwell & Martin the Nos 21 to 24 of his F. Nap. <4> directed to me or to the University of Oxford – where you can see them – he is collecting this year many dried specimens of the peculiar plants of naples & has sent me Cyclamen verus temporeflorens <Grammitis?> leptophylla & Osmunda Lusitanica – If you could send me a few fresh < seeds <5>?> of Dionæa muscipula for him I should like it – & if you could send any other seeds or roots worth cultivating in Italy, to the foreign Off: – soon – there will be an opportunity of sending them here <6> by a new attaché Mr Mitford <7> whom we expect as we see he is presented & he will of course bring a Bag. Your plan of dipping Orchideæ in hot water does not succeed with me.

Yr Aff


I enclose you a rare Hy<illegible> from <Canizzi?> – Tenore has found the yellow Polygala nel regno <8>. –

H. Talbot Esqr
31 Sackville Street


1. Michel Tenore (1780–1861), Italian botanist & traveller.

2. Isolation, loneliness.

3. Everyone was in the Country.

4. Michele Tenore, Flora Napolitana, Naples, between 1811 and 1838.

5. Characters missing.

6. Probably Naples.

7. See Doc. No: 00358. Also see Doc. No: 01281, and Doc. No: 01069, which date this document to 1825.

8. In the kingdom (of Naples).