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Document number: 00402
Date: 28 Sep 1837
Dating: year based on Doc no 03642
Watermark: 1837
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER William Jackson
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st May 2012

Septr 28th

My dear Sir

I have no really British specimen of Gnaphalium luteo-album: – & only very wretched ones of Echium violaceum – & shall therefore be very thankful for both.

They will be the more acceptable just now as I am engaged in preparing a 4th ed. of the British Flora, <1> which will go to press in a fortnight. Did you gather the Gnaphalium? & in what part of the island? I am told Mr Babington <2> has been making some interesting discoveries in the Channel islands: such as a new Hypericum & a new Atriplex &c; & he is preparing some account of them.

You noticed to me some time ago some particulars in the seeds of Silene inflata <3> & maritima. Do you think these characters are constant? & if so are there any other fixed marks by which those two species can be kept separate?

You have doubtless heard of Lippold’s visit to Madeira<4> to collect plants. I am daily expecting a set which I heard some time ago had arrived in London.

Faithfully Yours,
W. J. Hooker

Hunneman (9 Queen St, Soho) <5> will take charge of the plants for me from Jersey.


1. William Jackson Hooker, The British flora: comprising the phænogamous or flowering plants, and the ferns (London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1831, 1833–1838.

2. Charles Cardale Babington (1808–1895), botanist and archaeologist. [See Doc. No: 06767].

3. See Doc. No: 03319.

4. Dr Johann Friedrich Lippold. See his "Prospectus" in the Botanical Magazine, v. 2, 1836, pp. 339-340.

5. James Hunneman, London nurseryman.