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Document number: 00732
Date: 15 Dec 1816
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER William Jackson
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 19th February 2012

Decr 15th 1816

My dear Sir

Your letter of the 10th <1> has been forwarded to me hither & I am happy to find by it that your affection for the Mosses still continues & particularly that you have some specimens which you wish me to determine for you. You cannot send them to me too soon for that purpose, as my friend Dr Taylor <2> has lately come over from Ireland in order that we may complete our Muscologia <3> together & we are working here, where we have the advantage of Mr Turner’s <4> rich Herbarium. Several of our plates are done & our MS is in a very forward state. One of two of the former I should like to send you if you could find any forward friend to whom I might send it under cover for you. When I last wrote to you we had by no means determined upon what Genera we should adopt. Our Tabula is now completed & contains Andræa, Sphagnum, Phascum, Schistostega, Anictangium, Gymnostomum, Diphyscium, Tetraphis, Splachnum, Polytrichum, Cinclidotus, Tortula, Encalypta, Grimmia, Pterogonium, Weissia, Dicranum, Trichostomum, Leucodon (Pter. Sciuroides) Didymodon, Funaria, Orthotrichum, Daltonia (containing Neckera heteromalla & Neckera splachnoides both [illegible] calyptra) Neckera, Fontinalis, Buxbaumia, Bartramia, Hookeria, Hypnum, & Bryum. Thus you see Meesia, Diplocomium & Pohlia have melted into Bryum & Leskea into Hypnum. In the latter Genus we have been obliged to reduce the number of species considerably & even in the Genus Phascum recent observations on P. strictum have convinced us it is only a small dark variety of P. axillare.

You do not say if you have seen my friend Mr Dalton <5> who has been expecting the pleasure of your company at Croft while you staid in Yorkshire <6>. If your leisure should allow you & your inclination lead you to come into my part of the country I should be very happy to see you & talk about Mosses with you at Halesworth, where I shall be returned in rather less than three weeks.

Unfortunately my Flora Londinensis <7> keeps me more at home than any of my occupations & I have no expectation of being in town before the spring, if then.

Pray direct anything you may have for me at Dawson Turner’s Esqre Yarmouth. If by Coach – the Yarmouth Telegraph, White Horse Fetter Lane.

I beg you will offer my Compliments to Lady Elizabeth Feilding <8>

Yours dear Sir Very truly & faithfully
W. J. Hooker.

W. H. F. Talbot Esqre
31. Sackville street


1. Letter not located.

2. Thomas Taylor (d. 1848), MD.

3. William Jackson Hooker and Thomas Taylor, Muscologia Britannica: containing the mosses of Great Britain and Ireland… (London: Longman, Hurst etc, 1818).

4. Dawson Turner (1775–1858), botanist, author & banker.

5. Rev James Dalton (1764–1843), botanist.

6. At Castleford, Yorkshire, 10 mi SE of Leeds, where WHFT went to school from 1815-1816.

7. William Curtis (1746–1799), Flora Londinensis, containing a history of the plants indigenous to Great Britain… (London: G. Graves, 1817–1828), volumes 4 and 5 by William Jackson Hooker.

8. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773–1846), WHFT’s mother.