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Document number: 00949
Date: Fri 30 May 1823
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: FEILDING Elisabeth Theresa, née Fox Strangways
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 29th January 2012

[this is written on the same sheet as notes from Caroline: Doc. No: 00921 - and Horatia: Doc. No: 01082]

Friday 20th May 1823.

Salve Henrici! <1>

We have taken an amazing fancy to an Apartment at Castellamare close to the Sea & the finest air I ever breathed, but it is too near Resina <2>

the inhabitants of which are full of revenge, and I am afraid besides you would not come there again this year, & yet it seems a pity to leave this lovely part of the world after one short month, for I have certainly no chance of seeing it again, tho' probably your Sisters may. We have heard of a house at Varese, but it seems equidistant from both Lakes, I had rather have been before one of them. The Weather continues extremely cool, even cold sometimes, but I find it much more relaxing & unwholsome [sic] here than at Castellamare, it is surprising there should be so much difference.

We found quantities of plants (unusual at least to my eye & your Sisters) on the Mountain behind the Palazzo del Rč at Castellamare. Mr M. <3> made beautiful sketches at Amalfi, but it is not a place to trust oneself much alive An acquaintance of Mr Protheroe's <4> was stopped & robbed there lately it is a nest of Brigands. There are no Donkeys at Magini, so its lucky I did not trust to them, he was obliged to walk from thence to Amalfi after being very near swamped

Mr W. H. F. Talbot
gentilhomme Anglois

Poste Restante
Nizza Maritima
Nice Maritime
Etats Sardes


1. Conventional Latin salutation, 'Hail Henry!', that is 'be well!'. Could be translated 'how are you?' or 'I hope you are well'.

2. Resina is now called Ercolano and is incorporated into metropolitan Naples.

3. Rev. George Stephen Molyneux Montgomerie (1790-1850), close friend of Talbot family, artist, Rector of Garboldisham, near Thetford, Norfolk.

4. Possibly Edward Davis Protheroe (1798-1852), politician. [See Doc. No: 02439].