Pall Mall
19 April 1822
We had the pleasure to write to you <1> the 2nd Inst. for the purpose of advising £150 paid us by Mr Awdry <2> on your account, and now beg leave to acquaint you that this Gentleman has made us a further payment of £136. 14. 6 which sum is placed to your credit.
We have the honor to be
Your most ob Servants
Hammersleys & Co
W. H. F. Talbot Esq
Monsieur W. H. F. Talbot
Gentilhomme Anglois
Poste Restante
a <3>
Paris Florence
1. Letter not located.
2. William Henry Awdry (1778–1847), solicitor, Chippenham. [See Doc. No: 00984].
3. Readdressed in another hand.