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Document number: 01062
Date: 10 May 1823
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: EDGCUMBE Caroline Augusta, née Feilding
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 22nd January 2012

[written on the same sheet as a letter from Lady Elisabeth - see Doc. No: 01073]

Grande Locanda Letto
Villa di Londra Napoli
10 Maggio 1823. –

Mio caro Enrico <1>

I promised to write to you from Mola, but we were so tired when we got there, that we were obliged to go to bed directly. – We had a most beautiful view of the setting sun upon Gaeta, <2> but could not see Vesuvious,[sic] as he was wrapped in clouds. – I remarked also as you desired me, the view of Lariccia, which I think, is anything but what Lady Morgan <3> describes it; & another very fine one from Velletri.- <4> We were all enchanted with Terracina, where we saw the sea for the first time since Leghorn, <5> & remarked a total change of scenery soon after; palm trees, quantities of orange & lemon trees, Indian figs, myrtles, &c, &c –

At Capua, we saw the remains of the ancient amphitheatre, <6> & I found there a curious blue flower, [illegible deletion] that grows in clusters. – We saw two very curious ancient tombs, on the way to Caserta, & I think the Kings palace <7> there, is the finest I ever saw. –

Then from, Aversa, we took the Strada nuova, <8> & arrived at Naples at about ½ past seven. The Isola Brittanica, & the tre Crocella, were quite full, so after waiting an hour in the dark, we got a gξte in the Villa di Londra <9> – I like the view of Naples much better than I expected I should, by what you told me; the bay, with the Isola di Capri, <10> the town & Vesuvius, is, I think, quite beautiful; but unluckily, the sun was st. –


Monsr H. W. F. Talbot
Poste restante


1. My dear Henry.

2. See Doc. No: 00921.

3. Sydney Owenson, better known as Lady Morgan (1776–1859), novelist.

4. See Doc. No: 01073.

5. See Doc. No: 00966.

6. The amphitheatre in which the gladiator Spartacus began his slave revolt.

7. The 18th century Royal Palace at Caserta, designed initially by Luigi Vanvitelli.

8. New street.

9. Now generally taken to be a holiday home offered temporarily by the owner, gξte then meant any form of shelter. For a further mention of their housing problems, see Doc. No: 01073.

10. Capri Island.