Chippenham <1>
5th April 1824
Dear Sir –
Since I had last the pleasure of hearing from you, I have been making enquiries respecting Land in the Neighbourhood of Lacock, but have not yet heard of any that is likely to be sold at present – whenever an opportunity offers for purchasing upon advantageous terms, I will not fail to communicate the Particulars to you, as I very much like the Idea of your increasing your Property in this County – I trust that a little delay will not be attended with any disadvantage, as there is a great probability of the Funds being still higher – I shall not be at all surprized if the 3<pr Cnts?> are at 100· before you return to England –
I am in hopes of getting the Map reduced in the way you wish by a Person who lives near me & consequently upon very moderate terms –
I have succeeded in establishing your claim to Delapidations on the Premises which fell into hand by Mrs Popham’s <2> death – I found the Lease in the Tower, after a few minutes search & there was a clause in it, as I expected, to repair but the Interest in the Lease having been assigned to another Party some years ago, there was a probability at one time of a dispute as to who was to pay the Money, however I am happy to say that the Parties have at last agreed to divide the expence rather than try the Question at Law & I hope to receive all the Money by Michaelmas –
I have remitted £1300 to Messrs Hammerslys <3> on the last years Account – The Balance is not yet exactly ascertained, owing to the building the School having been rather longer delayed than I could have wished, & I shall possibly have to make a remittance on this year’s Account before the Balance of the Cash is paid in, wch I mention, that you may not feel surprised at seeing such a Sum when you next hear from Messrs Hammerslys – it will make no difference eventually – as I intend to keep each Account distinct, as heretofore & to mark the Balance for last year when I pay it in –
You mentioned some time ago your intention of planting Elms – if you wish me to do so next Winter, I trouble you say so when you write next, as it will be desirable to look out for some good ones in the Autumn & to provide the necessary Fences for them – I have had to get a new Tenant for Rey bridge Cottage Captn Seymour having removed into Devonshire & I was rather afraid of its remaining on hand for some time, being very old – but luckily a Mr Sheppard, just about to be married, wanted such a Cottage & by doing a little papering & painting I have let it for the same Rent as before –
I am Dear Sir –
Yr Obliged & Obedt Servt
W. H. Awdry
W. H. F. Talbot
Poste restante
1. Chippenham, Wiltshire: largest town near Lacock, 3 miles N.
2. See Doc. No: 01159.
3. Hammersley & Company, bankers, London.