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Document number: 01285
Date: 18 Jul 1825
Postmark: 18 Jul 1825
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER William Jackson
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 29th April 2012

My dear Sir

The sum of money I owe you is so small that I know not how to pay it to you with convenience: & I shall therefore propose deferring it till we meet, either in Scotland or in London.

I wish however, no longer to delay thanking you for the specimen of Draba aizoides & the particular station for it. I have been with my students gathering some good plants on Ben Nevis & amongst others the rare Moss, Gymnostomum Griffitheanum. Two new stations have likewise been found for the Pyrola uniflora, & Asplenium alternifolium.

You will gratify me much by laying by for me what you can well spare of your Italian plants. Please to send them, at your leisure, with the vol. of my Dictionaire Classique (if it did come in your trunks from Paris) to Treuttell & Wurtz <1> for me.

I have not forgotten the Vol. of Drummond's Mosses <2> for Miss Murray <3>. It shall go by the first opportunity.

Yours, my dear Sir, most faithfully
W. J. Hooker.

W. H. F. Talbot Esqre
Albany <4>
2dy Post <5>.


1. Treuttel & Wurtz, booksellers, Paris. Hooker had an arrangement with them to enclose packages from other people when sending parcels of books to him.

2. This was a set of exsiccatae of mosses issued by Thomas Drummond, Musci Scotica, published in two volumes in 1824-1825.

3. Amelia 'Emily' Matilda Murray (1795-1884), author

4. Gentlemen's apartments in Piccadilly where WHFT had rooms 1825-1827.

5. Twopenny.