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Document number: 01613
Date: Mon 12 Nov 1827
Postmark: 12 Nov 1827
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: FEILDING Charles
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 30th January 2012

Sandleford Priory <1>

My dear Henry -

If you will ask your Mother <2> to open any letter which comes to me from Montgomerie, <3> you will probably get what some intelligence about our Horses. If you decide on buying - Montgomerie wd have yours taken care of till you can send Giovanni <4> for him after you return from Pixton <5>, & I will write my determination about mine, when I get the letter -

With respect to Mr Fuller & his Hounds it would perhaps be the best way, to send Mr Awdry <6> with a civil message. - If you think of anything more for me to do in London let me know - The Fazakerlies <7> [sic] come today

GOD bless you
C. F.

Love to all

W. H. Fox Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey


1. Berkshire.

2. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773-1846), WHFT's mother.

3. Rev George Stephen Molyneux Montgomerie (1790-1850), close friend of Talbot family, artist, Rector of Garboldisham, near Thetford, Norfolk.

4. Giovanni Percij, London servant to the Feildings and Talbots.

5. The Somerset seat of the Earls of Carnarvon.

6. William Henry Awdry (1778-1847), solicitor, Chippenham.

7. John Nicholas Fazakerley (1787–1852), MP; and his wife, Hon. Elinor Fazakerley, née Montague (d. 1847).