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Document number: 01781
Date: 12 Jan 1831
Dating: date based on Doc no 02090
Harold White: 12? Jan 1829
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: METHUEN Paul
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA29-17
Last updated: 2nd February 2012

Corsham House <1>
Jany 12

My Dear Sir

I feel particularly obliged to you for recollecting me and inviting, me to be of your party on Tuesday and I should certainly have availed myself of the opportunity of meeting you had I the least chance of being able to get out so soon.

I am sorry to say I am now at the mercy of the Weather, even as to leaving my room, and trying whether I can walk out for a short time without bringing back my old symptoms. Every attempt I have made for this last month has produced an accession of cold but I am in hopes with more care I may yet make a more successful debut the first tolerable day, and be able to shoot again before T [sic] Season is over.

I was very desirous, before I received your note, of explaining to you why I had not called and the more so as Mrs Methuen <2> told me you had been here three times I certainly was not aware of your having been here more than once though I am not less annoyed on that account at the apparent incivility of which I have been guilty in not calling at all.

Pray explain this with my compliments to Lady Elizabeth <3> and all at the Abbey and Believe me very faithfully yours
Paul Methuen

PS I am sorry to hear you have been annoyed by the Poachers <4> – I know they are very busy round the country but it was only a few days ago Heyward told me you had not been visited by Them. They are not very fond of me, as I have got some dogs, one in particular, well trained on the chase which will pull any of Them down and has caught some of Them before now and held them down till the Keeper came up. If you can get a dog of this kind it will do you more service of a night than two or three men.


1. Corsham Court, Wiltshire, 3 mi NW of Lacock: seat of Ld Methuen.

2. Jane Dorthea Methuen, née Mildmay (1789–1846).

3. Lady Elisabeth Theresa Feilding, née Fox Strangways, first m Talbot (1773–1846), WHFT’s mother.

4. See Doc. No: 02090.