[printed letterhead]
Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington,
English, Foreign, American, and Colonial Booksellers and Publishers.
Commissions executed in all matters connected with International Copyright, both at Home and Abroad.
Is published by SAMPSON LOW and CO. on the 1st and 15th of each
Month. It gives a transcript of the Title-page of every Work
published in Great Britain, and every Work of interest
published abroad. 8s. per annum,
including postage.
“Crown Buildings,”
188, Fleet Street,
London, E.C.,
July 6th 1877
H. Fox Talbot Esq
La ycock Abbey
Dear Sir,
We have yours <1> and in reply beg to say that we shall be very glad to have the specimens of your copperplate process. <2> We shall require 1000 impressions on a paper the same size as the picture at Kenilworth <3> of which we enclose a proof Mr Pumphrey has sent us a thousand copies all equally good.
The process most like (in result) yours that we know of is the ‘photogravure’ of Messrs Goupil & Co <4> of Paris; in fact their process seems to be simply an improvement of the one you used in 1853. There will be a short description of their process in the new edition. Your beautiful little view taken printed by photography so long ago will be a very interesting addition to the work.
We are, Sir Yours truly
Sampson Low Marston & Co
per R.B.M
1. Letter not located.
2. WHFT supplied a manuscript and two original photoglyphic engravings for inclusion in John Thomson, editor, A History and Handbook of Photography, Translated from the French of Gaston Tissandier, second and revised edition, with an Appendix by the Late Henry Fox Talbot (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1878). A page of the original manuscript is reproduced in Larry J Schaaf, Sun Pictures Catalogue Twelve: Talbot and Photogravure (New York: Hans P. Kraus, Jr, 1987), appendix. pp. 357–367.
3. See Doc. No: 08870.
4. Parisian firm of publishers and art dealers.