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Document number: 01995
Date: 13 May 1830
Dating: 13th? 18th? postmark indistinct - "week after next" after 01996
Harold White: 1 May 1830
Postmark: 13/18? May 1830
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: PORTER Charles
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: 32397
Collection number historic: LA30-028
Last updated: 26th February 2010

18 Upper Parade
Leamington, Warwickshire

Dear Talbot

You mentioned in your last letter <1> to me that you should ask the Bishop of Rochester <2> for a curacy for Mr Rogers, <3> and as I suppose increase of stipend might tempt him to leave his present cure of Laycock, I will look out for what would give me a chance of being placed there.

Though I am fully aware that you may not be able to accomplish all your kindness suggests in my behalf: perhaps it would be worth while (now that I am at Leamington, 50 miles on my way from Wing to Wiltshire) to go & see Lacock parsonage. You can give me your opinion as to this proposal; and say whether I should call on Mr Rogers – that would be the only means of seeing the house properly – though, from your description, I shall be quite content to make that curacy my chief object, without seeing the house –

My visiting it would remove that small responsibility (to use an awful word about a trifle) from you – and probably make me more anxious for it.

Can you say whether Mr Rogers is single or married; has weak or powerful lungs; and desires an arduous or a quiet curacy: as all these points are useful in directing my enquiries.

I brought my family here on Wednesday, for the benefit of this air to the health of one of our little ones, who has been very ill.

I shall remain here for a fortnight

Believe me yours very sincerely
Charles Porter

Henry F. Talbot Esqre
31. Sackville Street


1. Letter not located.

2. George Murray, Bishop of Rochester and Dean of Worcester (1784–1860).

3. Robert Rogers, Curate at Lacock.