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Document number: 02567
Date: 12 Jan 1833
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER William Jackson
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st May 2012

Jan. 12. 1833

My dear Sir

I have at length accomplished the division of Drummond <1>’s Missouri & more southern plants, for the Subscribers & have today sent off the London sets to the care of the Hortl Socy <2>. Lindley <3> will take charge of yours.

From StLouis New Orleans* 430 species – £ 12·
Alabama 240 do 16·
St Louis 110 –
Share of freight to Glasgow & Paper
16 – 12 <4>

For want of funds Drummond visited Alabama before going to the Westward. He needed a Waggon in Texas as the only means of conveying his Collections except on his back, when they must necessarily be very small. I advanced him £80 & I hope before this he is at Natchetochez & that the early spring may find him in Texas. Yet I am not sure if he is not now in as good ground, the country of Maclura aurantiaca. I do hope his collections will now be so extensive that there may be no occasion to raise the price to £2.10 – not that I think that sum would have been too great in the first instance, seeing the very great expense attending his outfit & the voyage to New York & the heavy cost of getting about with his luggage & of living in Louisiana.

May I beg of you some good specimens of Cnicus tuberosus from the isle of Wight?<5> this is a capital discovery of yours. If you care anxiousabout any of our rarer alpine plants of Scotland I shall be happy to send them to you.

Believe me my dear Sir most faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker.

*These are numbered & the Numbers correspond with a list of names prepared for publication.

W. H. F. Talbot Esqre


1. Thomas Drummond (1793-1835), Scottish botanical collector; died in Cuba in early March 1835.

2. Horticultural Society of London.

3. Prof John Lindley (1799–1865), botanist.

4. That is, the total amount payable, written in another hand, probably WHFT’s.

5. See Doc. No: 02410, to which this is the reply.