6 Upper Gloucester place, Dorset Sqre
15 April 1833
I am desired most earnestly and particularly to request your attendance in the House of Commons on Friday next the 19th Inst. when Mr Matthias Attwood’s <1> Motion for a “Committee to enquire into the State of general distress difficulty and Embarrassment which now presses upon the various orders of the Community; how far the same has been occasioned by the operation of our present monetary system; and to Consider of the Effects produced by that system upon the Agriculture Manufactures and Commerce of the United Kingdom and upon the Condition of the industrious and productive classes” to the object of which you are believed favorable & which will certainly be brought forward.
I have the honor to be,
your most obet Servt
T. Lamie Murray
W. H. F. Talbot Esq. M. P.
31 Sackville St
1. Matthias Attwood (d. 1851), MP, sat for Whitehaven from 1832 to 1847.