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Document number: 02830
Date: Wed 26 Feb 1834
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: 32536
Collection number historic: LA34-6
Last updated: 23rd January 2011

Lacock Abbey
Feb. 26. Wednesday

My dear Henry

This is to be my last epistle to you as you think of coming Friday. – I am sorry you have contrived to knock up so soon with the fatigues of the House, but I dare say a little Lacock air will soon revive you.

Mr Feilding <1> is gone to Bath today to try the effect of the waters. – It is very fine so I hope he will not suffer from the air but the drive is so long for him in his present state that I fear he will be a good deal tired.

You sent me quite a store of letters this morning – one from Marian <2> says that my Father <3> was pleased at first with the idea of shortening the distance by coming to Lacock before Moreton, <4> but that under the excessive uncertainty of your return, he was inclined to adhere to the original arrangement – but that before they could quite settle they must wait for Mr Estcourt’s <5> answer. – I have written again to strengthen what I said yesterday about your coming certainly on Sat. at latest that is to say, yesterday I spoke rather doubtfully & today I have said I expect you certainly. –

I have been visiting Mr Paley <6> all by myself, & talking over the characters & claims of any District. – he received me very graciously & showed me all the premises. I was charmed with the garden, orchards, etc. – & I liked Mrs Paley better than usual. – The weather has been quite lovely. –

Yr affecte

My letter is for my Mother <7> please


1. Rear Admiral Charles Feilding (1780–1837), Royal Navy; WHFT’s step-father.

2. Her sister, Marian Gilder, née Mundy (1806 – 14 October 1860); m. 6 August 1844 William Troward Gilder (d. 1871), Army Surgeon (ret).

3. Francis Mundy (1771–1837), politician and father of Constance Talbot.

4. Moreton, Dorset: home of the Frampton family.

5. Thomas Henry Sutton Sotheron Bucknall Estcourt (1801–1876), MP.

6. Rev James Paley (1790–1863), Vicar at Lacock.

7. Sarah Leaper Mundy, née Newton (d. 1836), WHFT’s mother in law.