Railway Office,
17 Cornhill.
24 July 1834
The Great Western Railway Bill having at length, passed through the various stages of the House of Commons – The Directors feel that they may be permitted, without impropriety, to express their sense of deep obligation to you, for the active & valuable support which you have uniformly given to that measure.
The opposition to it has protracted the investigation, in an unprecedented manner, & the Directors cannot disguise from themselves, that it was impossible for them to carry this undertaking successfully, through the House of Commons, without frequent appeals for assistance, which, feeling to be consistent with Public Duty, you had the kindness to afford in a manner the most gratifying to them, & of which they will ever retain a lively & grateful remembrance.
I have the Honor to be, Sir, your very humble Sert
Chas A: Saunders
H. F. Talbot Esq M.P.
Lacock Abbey.