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Document number: 02966
Date: 26 Jul 1834
Dating: corrected from Jun - this is a reply to Doc no 02546
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER William Jackson
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA34-32
Last updated: 27th October 2013

Ju nely 26. 1834.

Many thanks, my dear Sir, for your letters & for your present of the interesting Ionian plants, which I have just received with a great box of other things from Hunneman.<1> Several of them are quite new to my Herbarium & as soon as ever I can get access to my books & specimens I shall give you my opinion upon such as you appear doubtful about: but at this moment I am engaged in removing to a larger house near the Botanic Garden,<2> being fairly driven from my present one by the great increase of my plants & Books. My Herbarium alone will now line the entire walls of 3 rooms & I shall have one room so large as to contain nearly all my Books, which have been scattered through 5 or 6 in my present residence. With the assistance I shall have in removing, I trust to be fairly settled in 6 weeks or 2 mos at most.

From Drummond <3> I have just received 2 large Boxes. He has been collecting about San Felippe de Austin in Texas & tells of coming home next spring by way of N. Orleans & the Floridas. I shall certainly put names as much as possible to the present collections before distributing them.

Brodiæa congesta is a charming plant. I wish I were nearer to you that I might have a better opportunity of figuring some of your plants. I am at least 300 miles too far removed from London: & my time is so occupied that I can rarely spare the time required for a visit to the metropolis.

Will you do me the favor to frank the enclosed to Mrs Corrie. She is a a [sic] very accomplished & enthusiastic Botanist.<4>

Most faithfully Yours
W. J. Hooker

H. F. Talbot Esqre M.P.
Lacock Abbey <5>


1. James Hunneman, London nurseryman.

2. 10 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. This is very close to the former site of the Botanic Garden, which was then at Sandyford Place/Claremont Street. In 1841/1842 it was moved to its present location, about a mile to the northwest.

3. Thomas Drummond (1793-1835), Scottish botanical collector; died in Cuba in early March 1835.

4. Susannah Corrie (1774 - 21 April 1851), wife of John Corrie of Woodville Lodge near Birmingham. As an MP, WHFT had franking privileges and was entitled to free postage. Members commonly gave signed covers or envelopes to friends. At the time, the recipient paid for postage (to ensure that the letter was delivered). This arrangement was withdrawn in January 1840 with the introduction of the Penny Post, which instituted uniform costs and pre-paid stamps.

5. Readdressed in another hand.