Sunday Eveng
March 8th
My dear Sir
I have been very anxious for several days to do my self the pleasure of calling upon you to solicit the support of your influence with members <1> for our second reading <2> of the Great Western <3> tomorrow – but there have been so many statements to prepare upon different points which have required my attention and I have still so much to do before tomorrow that I find it impossible to get out. our opponents apparently conscious of the merits of our case when investigated are making determined efforts to throw us out on the 2d Reading which takes place tomorrow at 3 o’clock – and we are obliged to solicit the assistance of our friends in every quarter – The idea of rejecting at the 2d reading a Bristol railway which is supported in an unprecedented degree by the subscriptions – & the petitions of Bristol Bath Gloster <4> & Wales – to favor a Bath railway <5> not yet in the House and actually not only unsupported but petitioned against by Bristol Bath &c appears absurd but an active canvass and the most unscrupulous mistatements will effect a great deal of mischief – If you can do any thing for us before tomorrow afternoon we should feel very much indebted to you.
I am my dear Sir
Yours vy truly
I K Brunel
1. WHFT was a Member of Parliament at the time.
2. The second reading of the Western Rail-road Bill took place on 10 March 1834.
3. The Parliamentary Bill for the authorisation of the building of the Great Western Railway from London to Bristol. It was, however, rejected by the House of Lords on 25 July 1834. A second bill was passed the following year.
4. Gloucester.
5. Opposition to certain railway bills came from the powerful moneyed interests that backed rival railway companies. [See Doc. No: 02941].