Lacock Abbey
Dec. 22d 1835
Dear Sir
I cannot help thinking you are in error <1> with respect to Orlaya grandiflora, the Caucalis grandiflora of Linnĉus <2> I enclose a specimen of the Orlaya, collected by myself, somewhere in Italy I believe, but the memorandum of the locality is lost. If you have not got the species in your herbarium, pray keep it; if otherwise you can take some opportunity of returning it.
I hope you received the slip of paper with Martiuss <3> announcement respecting Brazil plants.
Believe me Yours very truly
H. F. Talbot
1. See Doc. No: 03183.
2. Carolus Linnĉus [Carl von Linné] (17071778), Swedish botanist, founder of the binomial system of nomenclature and thus a seminal figure in botany. The Linnean Society, London was named in his honour.
3. Dr Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (17941868), German botanist. For the notice about his Brazilian plants see Doc. No: 03181; see also Doc. No: 03765.