My Dear Sir,
Since I declined your kind invitation <1> to Lacock Abbey I have received some letters which have induced me to modify my plans of going abroad in so far as to allow me time to attend the meeting of the British Association <2> at Bristol. – Under these circumstances, if your Party is not already made up, I should be happy to pay you a visit either before or after the meeting as may best suit your convenience.
I hope you will prepare for the Physical Section an account of some of your recent discoveries. I intend to submit several short papers <3> to the Meeting on some subjects which have been occupying my attention during the last two years.
I am My Dear Sir, Ever Most Faithfully yrs
D Brewster
6 Dundas Street
July 21st 1836
H.F. Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey
1. See reference to this in Doc. No: 03337.
2. The British Association for the Advancement of Science.
3. Two of these were D. Brewster, ‘On the action of crystallized surfaces upon common and polarized Light’, British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1836 [part 2], pp. 13–16; and ‘On a singular development of Polarizing Structure in the Crystalline Lens after death’, British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1836 [part 2], pp. 16–18.