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Document number: 03438
Date: 21 Jan 1837
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: HOOKER Maria, née Turner
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 12th February 2012

10 Woodside Crescent
January 21. 1837.

My dear Sir,

I very much regret to have to inform you that Sir Wm Hooker <1> is too unwell to be able to acknowlege [sic] with his own hand the letter that he had the honor of receiving from you last night. – The enclosed document <2> from Mr Murray <3> will show you the true state of the case. Mr Murray took up the matter most warmly and appears truly concerned at it. – I may also mention, th as perhaps some palliation to John Reid’s <4> folly, that the young woman called at this house very shortly after Reid went to England, & representing herself as a distant relation who wanted to send him some books that he had left under her care, obtained rather more notice from Sir William & myself, on this pt connected with her own rather prepossessing manners & appearance, than she would otherwise have done. She farther stated that she was on the point of sailing for America, to join some relations there. Certainly her whole air was that of a person of rather superior education, – a fact which may be accounted for by the circumstance of her having been patronized from a very early age by a lady of rank in this neighborhood, who is said to have withdrawn her kindness, on account of some late improprieties in the girl’s conduct.

The unfortunate facility with which marriage, – or what is so miscalled, may be contracted in Scotland, – where neither clergyman nor register is needful, – together with the young woman’s good looks & plausible manners, – may perhaps form some palliating circumstances in John Reid’s case: – & even then, he remains highly blameworthy.

Sir William Hooker desires me to offer you his best respects & to express his regret for the trouble this affair gives you. He has been unwell for 6 weeks, & twice during that time, as for the last 5 days, confined closely to bed. –

I am, my dear Sir, with much respect, yours
Maria S.C. Hooker

To H. F. Talbot Esqre
Lacocke Abbey


1. Sir William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865), Prof & botanist

2. Not identified.

3. Stewart M Murray (1789-1858), first Curator of the Glasgow Botanic Gardens. [See Doc. No: 00262].

4. See Doc. No: 03223.