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Document number: 03626
Date: Sat 05 Sep 1874
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: EDGCUMBE Caroline Augusta, née Feilding
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Mount Edgcumbe <1>

Saturday 5th Septr 1874

My dearest Henry

I knew how much you would grieve for poor Val <2> & all of us, in this great sorrow. He begs me to thank you much for your sympathy – but it is a dreadful blow!

Poor Katie <3> had recovered so well (apparently) from the first attack a week ago, that he was in excellent spirits, as well as herself, the day before. She had been lying on her sofa for 2 or 3 hours for the first time – & the Doctors assured us she was quite as well, barring weakness, as before the attack. On Thursday morning quite early, Val had gone to her room to give her some medecine <sic>, at a stated hour. She said she was very comfortable & sleepy, & he left her – but before almost he could reach his dressing room, he was called back. In that instant of time a fresh hæmorrhage from the lung had taken place – She could not speak, but only looked up in his face, & in a few moments all was over! I am thankful to say she did not suffer; but the shock was terrible. Val bears up wonderfully, thinking so much of others – but I fear it will be worse when he can no more see her, looking lovely as she does. The poor children are quite inconsolable. Thank Rosamond <4> with my love for her nice kind letter.

Yr affte Sister



1. Mt Edgecumbe, near Plymouth: seat of the Earl of Mt Edgcumbe.

2. William Henry Edgcumbe, ‘Val’, 4th Earl Mt Edgcumbe (1832–1917), JP & Ld Steward of the Royal Household; WHFT’s nephew ‘Bimbo’.

3. Lady Katherine Elizabeth Edgcumbe, née Hamilton (1840–1874), wife of William Henry Edgcumbe.

4. Rosamond Constance ‘Monie’ Talbot (1837–1906), artist & WHFT’s 2nd daughter.