Lacock Abbey, Chippenham
May 23d 1838
My Dear Sir
Allow me to add my congratulations to those of your other friends upon your safe return to England. I trust that your residence at the Cape has been in every respect as agreeable to yourself, as it has been advantageous to the cause of science – I understand that it was your intention to return by way of Rio Janeiro, but I suppose that project was not put into execution. I was very much interested by your last astronomical observations, respecting the increasing brightness of a star in Argo. I hope some observer in the southern hemisphere will be found, to continue these observations.
Several of the plants which you sent me from the Cape last year have flowered. I don’t know whether you received a letter I wrote you mentioning their survival.<1> One of them is just opening now, & looks as if it would be handsome.
Believe me to remain Dear Sir Yours ever most truly
H. F. Talbot
1. See Doc. No: 03561.