Abb <1>
My dear Henry
The enclosed is sent me for you from Mr Dillwyn. <2> I have heard of your Camera at Dover my agent at F.O. <3> will look after it & send it to Sackville St. <4> when arrived.
This weather spoils all our flowers – Tropeolum tuberosum was in great beauty & Brugmansia rubra with 30 flowers out on it Everything is springing shooting & even flowering out of season – a sudden frost would be death –
I hope you had good weather for your tour – I go Tuesday to Melbury <5> to meet Mary <6> – I think your Rhus must be R. glabrum not elegans.
Ys aff
1. Abbotsbury, Dorset: home of William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways.
2. Lewis Weston Dillwyn (1778–1855), Welsh botanist & MP.
3. That is, the Foreign Office.
4. 31 Sackville Street, London residence of the Feildings, often used as a London base by WHFT.
5. Melbury, Dorset: one of the Fox Strangways family homes; WHFT was born there.
6. Mary Thereza Talbot (1795–1861), WHFT’s cousin.