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Document number: 04693
Date: 10 Jan 1843
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: WATKINS Francis
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA43-3
Last updated: 29th December 2012

5 Charing Cross
10 Jany 1843


I beg to acquaint you that I have written to Mr Jones the proprietor of the Adelaide Gallery <1> on the subject of a private room for yr Electro magnetic Engine and he replies by stating that he has vacant rooms and wod be happy to make arrangements with you for the renting one of them.

I take the liberty of informing you that Profr Grove <2> proposes delivering in the theatre of the Royal Institution on the 10th of February a discourse on Electro Magnetic Engines would not this be a good opportunity to introduce yr arrangement to the Scientific world

I remain Sir Yr Obedient Servt
Francis Watkins

H. F. Talbot Esqre


1. Adelaide Gallery, Strand, London: Gallery of Practical Science; site of Antoine Claudet’s photographic studio.

2. Sir William Robert Grove (1811–1896), scientist.