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Document number: 04811
Date: 24 Oct 1865
Dating: year by reply 09036
Recipient: PLAYFAIR Lyon
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: Imperial College Archives London
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Profr Playfair

Lacock Abbey

Oct. 24

My Dear Sir

The university of Edinburgh is about to elect a Professor of Music, and I have been requested by my relative the Earl of Mt Edgcumbe <1> to solicit votes in favor of his particular friend Mr Herbert Oakeley <2>

I believe you are acquainted with Ld Mt E. and know how much reliance may be placed on his judgment – and he may have written to you himself, in which case I beg you will excuse the trouble of this letter – but as I rather think he is now on the Continent, I have thought it best to write these few lines.

Mr O. has an extraordinary genius for Music: and wishes to devote his life to it. He is a graduate of Christ Church. He is a man of family & a relative of the Duke of Atholl, <3> a very amiable and clever man, & would be I am assured a great acquisition to Edinburgh Society –

Therefore if you have not engaged your vote I hope you will give a favorable consideration to Mr Oakleys claims, in whose success I feel much interested, from what Ld Mt E. has told me.

Believe me
Dr Sir
Yours very truly

H. Fox Talbot


1. Ernest Augustus Edgcumbe, Lord Valletort, 3rd Earl of Mt Edgcumbe (1797–1861), WHFT’s brother-in-law.

2. Herbert Oakeley (1830–1903) composer, was elected to this post in 1865. See Playfair’s response to this recommendation in Doc. No: 09036.

3. John Murray, 5th Duke of Atholl (1778–1846).