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Document number: 04823
Date: 12 May 1843
Recipient: FEILDING Elisabeth Theresa, née Fox Strangways
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA43-056
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Hôtel Royal. Calais, <1>

le 12 May 1843

My Dear Mother,

I came here this morning in 2 hours & a half, the weather was beautiful and the sea quite calm. We left the French steamboat so far behind that even the experienced eyes of the captain and crew could not see her.

I was going to Hotel Dessin but M. Rignolle <2> or his commissionaire hailed me by name before I landed – This “souvenir” was irresistible, so I went to the Hotel Rignolle autrement dit Royal. <3>

We left Dover a little after seven, & got here a quarter before ten – I am going to set off for Paris when I have posted this letter –

Your affte


Lady E. Feilding
Lacock Abbey


1. Printed letterhead.

2. D’uguenne Rignolle, of Calais.

3. Hotel Rignolle otherwise called Royal.