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Document number: 05085
Date: Fri 27 Sep 1844
Dating: corrected to calendar
Harold White: 28 Sep 1844
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 21st December 2010

Lacock Abbey

My dear Henry

Mr Kenrick <1> called yesterday & without suggesting to him the idea of Hooping Cough, I introduced him into the Nursery – Charles <2> did not keep us waiting long – and the moment the fit was over (and it was by no means a bad one) Mr K said, ‘Oh! that must be hooping cough –’ And I am glad to find that he by no means thinks it necessary for a child to have it badly – to secure him against a future attack – He attributes the mild character of the complaint in this instance to Dr Baker’s very judicious treatment in the beginning – We will therefore be equally careful with his Sisters <3> at the proper stage – He doubts not their coughs having all the same result – and the only thing he regrets for them was is the near approach of winter – when it is next to impossible that the coughs should entirely cease. The weather today has been as unlike winter as possible, after the morning fog had dispersed. – We were all out as on the 2 preceding days – But the fogs at night have been very thick & late in clearing off in the morning – Of course I do not let any of the children out till they are gone off. – Tomorrow Miss King <4> returns.

I shall expect to hear very soon of your progress – I hope you received my letter at Oxford –

Your affectionate
Constance –


1. Dr George Cranmer Kenrick, surgeon living at The Grove, Melksham.

2. Charles Henry Talbot (1842–1916), antiquary & WHFT’s only son.

3. Ela Theresa Talbot (25 Apr 1835 - 25 Apr 1893), WHFT's 1st daughter; Rosamond Constance Talbot (16 Mar 1837 - 7 May 1906), 'Rose'; 'Monie'; artist & WHFT's 2nd daughter; died & buried at San Remo, Italy, with a memorial at Lacock; Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, nιe Talbot (25 Feb 1839-1927), 'Tilly', WHFT's 3rd daughter.

4. Governess to WHFT's children in 1843 (from August) and 1844.