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Document number: 05090
Date: 04 Oct 1844
Recipient: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA44-072
Last updated: 1st September 2003

Berwick <1>

4th Octr 1844

My Dear Constance

Pray direct your next letter to Melrose, Scotland, and if you have already written to me at Edinburgh pray mention again what you said, if important, as I shall visit Melrose before Edinburgh. I have not met with many adventures as yet on my travels; perhaps the Scotch air will prove invigorating and then I will endeavour to give some account of my proceedings. I am so sorry that I cannot hear from you until I get to Jedburgh which was the first Scotch address I gave you, but there I hope to find a line from you <2>

Your affte



1. Berwick-upon-Tweed.

2. Doc. No: 05089.