Lacock Abbey, Chippenham
21 March /45
Dear Sir
Allow me to address a few lines to you as president of the Royal Irish Academy – I have had some correspondence with Dr Woods of Parsonstown <1> on a photographic process which he sent last year to the York meeting of the British Association,<2> called the Electrolysotype – I have endeavoured (but without success) to convince him that it is identical in principle with my Calotype process, and gives the same results. He tells me he is going to send a paper on the subject to the Royal Irish Academy by the hands of Dr Robinson – I have therefore requested him to send therewith two of my letters to him, which I have no doubt he will have the kindness to do –
Now, if it be not contrary to the rules of the Academy, I should wish them to be read on the same occasion. In fact it is only a question of scientific nomenclature, yet as the nomenclature of photography is becoming rather perplexed, a little discussion before so learned a body may be of advantage.
Believe me to remain Dear Sir Yours very truly
H. Fox Talbot
Sir W. R. Hamilton
1. Dr Thomas Woods (1815–1905), Irish physician, photographer, inventor & friend of Lord Rosse.
2. The British Association for the Advancement of Science.