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Document number: 05279
Date: Fri 06 May 1859
Dating: WHFT received Gold Medal from Photograhic Soc of Scotland 1859
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: TALBOT Constance, née Mundy
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number: 28841
Collection number historic: LAM-084
Last updated: 25th November 2006

Randolph Crescent <1>

Friday May 6th

My dear Henry

If I said in my letter yesterday the "1t week in June" I meant the 1t week in July. so pray read it so. - After my letter was posted, I could not help fancying I might have made this mistake.

The shoppings I have embarked in, and the having prolonged our stay here in Edinburgh, make it very desirable that you should give me the earliest notice of the renewal of my funds in the Bank of Scotland - As they do not always apprise me of the same. I know this is the usual time for receiving the rents, so it is best to put you in mind.

Rosamond's <2> cold has proved a very oppressive one - and she nearly lost her voice from tightness on the Chest. - but I hope a few days will see her much better - and now the weather is so much milder she ought to be getting out of doors.

Matilda <3> & Mlle Amélina <4> are both much better and enjoyed a walk today -

Your affectionate


I hope Charles <5> told you that I am entrusted by the Photograph Society <6> with the gold medal wh they presented to you - Mr. Ross <7> brought it to me, a day or two after you left Edinburgh -

H. F. Talbot Esqre
Lacock Abbey


1. New Town area of Edinburgh, west end of Princes Street

2. Rosamond Constance 'Monie' Talbot (1837-1906), artist & WHFT's 2nd daughter.

3. Matilda Caroline Gilchrist-Clark, 'Tilly', née Talbot (1839-1927), WHFT's 3rd daughter.

4. Amélina Petit De Billier, 'Mamie', 'Amandier' (1798-1876), governess and later close friend of the Talbot family [See Amélina's journal].

5. Charles Henry Talbot (1842-1916), antiquary and WHFT's only son.

6.The Photographic Society of Scotland.

7. Horatio Ross (1801-1886), MP & Scottish photographer. Talbot had been ill and at Lacock during the period when the medal was awarded and was unable to receive it in person [See Doc. nos. 07826, 07835 and 07840].