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Document number: 05782
Date: 04 Dec 1846
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: ANTHONY Edward
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA60-129
Last updated: 10th July 2010

Dec 4 1846

Dear Sir

I have this day received your note of Dec 1st. My desire to receive instruction in the Talbotype <1> at present was not for the purpose of emolument, but to enable me to come to a decision with regard to the purchase of the Patent on the terms mentioned by you.

Should I, after having received instructions, think that it would be unprofitable for me to accede to those terms, I could not use the instructions imparted without your license. You have but to enter a caveat in America, announcing your intention to take out a patent, and you are just as safe as if the patent were already consummated.

I could not of course appreciate the value of the patent, without knowing by personal experience all the facilities, and all the difficulties of the manipulation. In giving me such instructions you lose nothing, but if I do not buy the patent, I lose both time, trouble and the expenses of coming to England.

Very Respy Yours
E. Anthony

H. F. Talbot Esqr.

H. Fox Talbot Esqr
Lacock Abbey


1. The present letter is the earliest known surviving letter between the two men.