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Document number: 05825
Date: Jun 1847
Dating: 1847? correct by calendar for next meeting Thu 17 Jun
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: GROVE William Robert
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Last updated: 27th April 2012

4 Hare Court Temple <1>


The next meeting of the Philosophical Club <2> is appointed for Thursday June 17 at Cuttriss’ Hotel Covent Garden Dinner to be on the Table at half past 5 precisely

I have the honour to remain your obedt Servant
W R Grove

The arrangements of the Club will be materially assisted if those members who intend to be present will signify their intention to the Hotel Keeper

T.O. <3>

At this meeting the Club will adjourn for the long vacation.


1. The Middle Temple, one of the four Inns of Court, the ‘colleges’ of barristers at the English Bar. Grove had his chambers [lawyer’s offices and, at the time, living-quarters also] there.

2. The original Royal Society Club was formed largely for social purposes. However, dissatisfaction over the loosening standards for electing Fellows led to the formation of the Philosophical Club of the Royal Society in 1847. As a dinner club, it sought to preserve the standards of the Royal Society, to encourage respect for science in Britain, and to allow members to make special presentations of their studies. It lasted until 1901, when the two clubs were merged. See also Doc. No: 05999 and Doc. No: 06007.

3. Viz. ‘Turn Over’ [instruction at foot of page].