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Document number: 06275
Date: 19 Dec 1849
Recipient: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Author: MALONE Thomas Augustine
Collection: British Library, London, Manuscripts - Fox Talbot Collection
Collection number historic: LA49-23
Last updated: 16th February 2012

122 Regent St <1>
19 Dec 1849

To H F Talbot Esq


I now send you a copy of a note received last week from Mr Harper. <2> Expecting you in Town was the cause of my keeping it so long. -

He will feel obliged by your returning an answer as soon as convenient. Mr Harper says "It appears to me that Mr Talbots views under the circumstances are very fair & on the part of Mr Bingham <3> & myself I beg to accede to the proposition contained in his letter to cease mutually all opposition to the progress of the two patents.

We shall now be glad if Mr Talbot will do us the favour to inform us on what definite terms you will grant us each a license to me, to sell Talbotypes in Yorkshire & Lancashire & to Mr Bingham in London leaving yourselves at liberty to grant any other licenses you may think proper for those districts In case the terms you offer us these licenses upon will suit the limited object we have in view we may find it the best to abandon our application for a patent & avoid the confusion that might result from its existence alongside of yours."

Mr Bingham told Mr Claudet <4> at a meeting of the "Photographic Club" that he had succeeded in checking us with our new patent. - or words to that effect. - In the Athenæum <5> it is said that application for two patents have been made. These two statements I presume may be put together & papered over without further notice The Athenæum refers to Sir John Herschells <6> [sic] experiments on "glass plates" & the writer adds that he saw many years ago a negative taken on glass by Sir John.

The prevalent notion is that the new patent is for "glass plates" hence the attempt to publish as much as possible about the subject with a view it may be imagined to find reasons for any evasion that may be attempted Of Course these "busy-bodies" will find out their mistake in due time. -

I have succeeded in making a sensitive film of Albumen Starch Gelatine & camphor all combined. The negative is blacker than the French specimens The blackness cannot be removed by a brush as in the experiment you examined. The manipulation is the chief difficulty & seems to want much practice to succeed always this I am endeavouring to accomplish & hope to send a specimen shortly

your obedt Servt
T A Malone


1. 122 Regent Street, London: base of Nicolaas Hennemans' Talbotype or Sun Picture Rooms, later the firm of Henneman & Malone, photographers to the Queen.

2. Edward Harper. [See Doc. No: 06290]. The copy of this letter has not yet been traced.

3. Robert Jefferson Bingham (1825-1870), English born author and photographer, mostly active in France, who was the premier reproduction photographer of his day.

4. Antoine Françoise Jean Claudet (1797-1867), London; French-born scientist, merchant & photographer, resident in London.

5. The Athenæum and (London) Literary Chronicle, London.

6. Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871), astronomer & scientist.