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Document number: 07254
Date: 26 Apr 1856
Dating: received 6 May
Recipient: FOSTER Peter Le Neve
Author: TALBOT William Henry Fox
Collection: Royal Society of Arts London
Last updated: 1st September 2003

April 26

Greta bank Keswick

Dr Sir

In compliance with your request I have sent off per railway a parcel containing 20 specimens of steel engraving, which I beg to offer as a gift to the Society of Arts for purposes of distribution as mentioned in your letter.

I will take this opportunity of mentioning that 2 years ago I lent to the Society 2 photographs one of them a very large one which I value, being a gift to me from M. Pretch <sic> of Vienna – and that I have never received them back from the Society.

They were borrowed for exhibition somewhere in the Country.

I observe that you are Trustee of a newly formed photographic Company and therefore I beg to send you the following <memorandum?> –

As I presume the Photogrc Assocn contemplates extensive operations and are <sic> not yet in possession of all the premises, workshops, &c &c which they require – I beg to inform them that I wish to dispose of a freehold house at Kensal Green 3 miles from Regent Street which is fitted up specially for photography and has been so used about 5 years – I will guarantee the title to the property. There is space for any further requisite buildings – I will communicate any further particulars you may require, if I understand that the offer is likely to suit the association.

At the same time I will mention that one of the first photographers in Regent St informs me that he wishes to dispose of the lease goodwill and whole photographic stock in trade of his establishment, as he contemplates leaving England and fixing himself as a photographer in Lisbon. If this information can be of use to your association, I shall be glad to hear it & to be of any further use.

Believe me Dr Sir Yours very truly

H. F. Talbot