Farrance’s Hotel <1>
Friday July 4th 1856
My dear Henry
Yesterday Milord <2> had a consultation of Doctors, to see if any thing could be done to alleviate his state of constant suffering. This was one chief reason which brought us to London. The three magnates who saw him yesterday were Dr Ferguson, Dr Bence Jones & Sir Benjamin Brodie.-<3> They agreed upon some new remedies, but decided that he must remain in London a fortnight, to enable them to judge of the effects. – So I am so far able to tell you that I shd not be able to visit you till after that space of time, at least. Perhaps in the mean time you may be coming up to London. Milord is rather sorry at being obliged to stay so long, on account of the Yachting – But it is still early in the season – & I am very glad he has made up his mind to give these doctors a fair trial. Besides the change of air is good for him – & he sees old friends whom he had not met for years.
You will be glad I know to hear that Charlie <4> [illegible deletion] passed his examination successfully at Sandhurst on Tuesday last. By taking up certain extras to be examined upon, it is allowable to pass for a Captain’s Commission as well as a Lieutenant’s. so that no further examination is needed afterwards. Charlie passed for a Captain, & had 3 good marks for Trigonometry, History & Fortification; so that a special report was to be sent up to the Horse Guards, & the Chief Examiner complimented him.
My love to all.. [sic] Enquire if the ladies <5> have any Commissions.
Yrs affy
Henry fox Talbot Esqre
Laycock Abbey
1. Farrance’s Hotel, Belgrave Street, London. [See Doc. No: 06819].
2. Ernest Augustus Edgcumbe, Lord Valletort, 3rd Earl of Mt Edgcumbe (1797–1861), WHFT’s brother-in-law.
3. Robert Ferguson (1799–1865), physician; Henry Bence Jones (1814–1873), physician and chemist; Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783–1862), surgeon; President of the Royal Society of London, 1858–1861.
4. Charles Earnest Edgcumbe (1838–1915), JP, WHFT’s nephew. [See Doc. No: 07265 and Doc. No: 07273].
5. Constance Talbot, née Mundy (1811–1880), WHFT’s wife and Amélina Petit De Billier, ‘Mamie’, ‘Amandier’ (1798–1876), governess and later close friend of the Talbot family [See Amélina's journal].